Catch Castle Getting Arrested On Abc

By Shaon, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

LOS ANGELES ( — Fans of the hit comic detective show “Castle” were anticipating the Season 3 of the show to start of with a bang. Thankfully for the viewers back home it did. When we left the deadly duo of cop Kate Beckett and the goofy writer Richard Castle they were struggling with their pent up feelings for each other. He left Kate saying “Hey, yeah, I’ll see you in the fall,”. But no one really saw this coming.

The premiere of the new season starts off with no less than Castle getting arrested by Kate Beckett, that too in the first act itself. Well once he was caught standing over a dead body with a gun in his hand he did not give Kate any choice. The trade mark of the show the rapid dialog exchanges between Kate and Castle is back as well. In the interrogation room Kate says

When you found the dead body, why didn’t you call?’ But ‘Why didn’t you call?

This simple why didn’t you call has a ton of implications. It is revealed that Castle did not call Beckett all summer. Another big news regarding the show is that a Serial Killer is set to be introduced this season. Reports are that former OZ star Lee Tergesen is going to play the role of the duo’s greatest adversary till date. Nathan Fillon who plays the role of Castle said

I don’t know if you noticed this, but we tend to catch every murderer we go after. Now, there’s a guy out there who we find is more than a match for our heroes.

The crazy episode promises to take every one for a ride. More so because now we have a guy who can actually match the wits of Castle and Kate. We can’t hardly wait for this season. Catch it on ABC and tell us what you feel.

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