Home Alone Additi!

Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Additi Gupta had some hard time during one of the Ganapati days; she was left hungry, with out any food and with no company.

Additi Gupta famously known as Pihu of ‘Sanjog Se Bani Sangini’ lives at Juhu with her family, where most of the Ganapati Idols are immersed. “From last 7-8 days, the area where I live is so crowed because of Ganapati visarjan, one cannot get out of the place during these hours. Recently, I had an off from work, I was lazing around at my place, in the afternoon. I got up at around 1.00 in the afternoon, my parents had already left the house for some work, I was left alone at my place.” says Additi.

Additi further says, “Since I was alone at home, I was planning to have a get together with my friends, all my plans got scattered when I got down the lane, it was so crowded because of visarjan. I was damn hungry but everything seems to be in vain, I could not even reach on the opposite side of the lane to get some food. Luckily there were some popcorn at home, I munched on them.”

“Popcorns were not enough; I had to starve the entire day as my mom was not there and there was no food at home. My parents returned back by 12:00 at night and then I had my dinner,” complains Additi.

Well one should always learn to cook. What say Additis!

– Tejashree Bhopatkar / Sampurn Wire

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