Quote Of The Day (Mariah Carey)

Monday, September 14, 2009

“On our first anniversary, I saved every encouraging email that I ever wrote and bound it into a book for her.” NICK CANNON reveals his romantic gestures for wife MARIAH CAREY.

“I’m going to be cooking and it’s a big deal.” MARIAH CAREY is looking forward to Thanksgiving with her husband, NICK CANNON.

“Well I have them and they’re in my closet, but usually somebody else carries the bag, because someone once told me that I shouldn’t carry a bag. Just like they told me I have a bad side (for photos). They said it didn’t look great on me.” MARIAH CAREY refuses to carry luggage.

“It wasn’t just the director in me, but the big brother torturing his sister. This was just to irritate her. At what point would she start screaming and run up out of this chair?” LEE DANIELS on making MARIAH CAREY look plain in his movies TENNESSEE and PRECIOUS.

“I’ve been working on my craft for a long time. People never want to let go of the whole Glitter (thing)… I’m like, ‘It’s eight years later, people. Let’s move on.’” MARIAH CAREY is desperate to be taken seriously as an actress after her 2001 film Glitter was savaged by critics.

“It was hideous. I had dark circles added under my eyes, a moustache. The hair was disgusting, the clothes horrible. But I’m willing to do anything for a role, to make it authentic. I’m proud of that part, and I want to do more films. I’d love to work with Woody Allen.” MARIAH CAREY’s make-under for her latest film PRECIOUS has tempted her to take on more challenging roles - especially if WOODY ALLEN is involved.

“When you’re with MARIAH CAREY, you’ve got to operate on Mariah Carey time… If we gotta be somewhere at six, I don’t get dressed ’til seven. I roll with it though, I love
it… I’m a good husband, I just sit there, I’m a purse holder… I’m content.” NICK CANNON on life as Mariah Carey’s husband.

“I wake up feeling like the luckiest, most blessed man in the world.” NICK CANNON can’t believe his luck having MARIAH CAREY as his wife.

“(They) put some dark stuff under my eyes, some stuff for a moustache. I was like, this is so ugly man, I don’t know what to do!” MARIAH CAREY hated her raw and stripped down look in upcoming movie PRECIOUS, in which she plays a dowdy social worker.

“Beyonce and Mariah love each other. They’re always calling and texting each other.” NICK CANNON reveals his wife Mariah Carey and Beyonce are close.

“He put a moustache on me, he put things under my eyes; it was horrid.” MARIAH CAREY hated the look moviemaker Lee Daniels made her adopt for new movie PRECIOUS.

“I want to be Ike and Tina, but she doesn’t want to offend TINA TURNER. I think it’s an honour.” NICK CANNON on trying to persuade his wife MARIAH CAREY to dress up like a Private Dancer for Halloween.

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