Eugenia Chernyshova dances the night away with Quentin Tarantino

By soumitra, Gaea News Network
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Los Angeles ( - Eugenia Chernyshova and Quentin Tarantino were having some cozy cozy dance dance time in the LA last night.
Quentin Tarantino has had some connections with some leading ladies like Mira Sorvino, Julie Dreyfuss, and Kathy Griffin. It seems that he has some lady luck but he has never married someone and also doesn’t have any little ones. There have also been rumors about his relationship with Uma Thurman, whom he has referred to as his “muse”.
He said in this connection,

I’m not saying that I’ll never get married or have a kid before I’m 60. But I’ve made a choice, so far, to go on this road alone. Because this is my time to make movies.

He allegedly had a relationship with an unknown woman but somehow the things didn’t went the right way. But Quentin Tarantino thinks that this ultimately drove him to squeeze out his best.

If (his recent romance) had happened, I wouldn’t have made Inglourious Basterds. Or I wouldn’t have made it with the same intensity. And it wouldn’t be finished now.

He said.

Tarantino is best known for his work behind the camera but he has also appeared in some of his own films. He had some minor roles in Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Death Proof and Four Rooms. He co-starred with George Clooney in the film From Dusk Till Dawn.

For your information, his 2010 film Inglorious Bustards is now nominated for eight Oscars including some of the most prestigious awards like Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay.

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