Feminists slam ‘Twilight’ sequel ‘New Moon’

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LONDON - ‘Twilight’ sequel ‘New Moon’ has come under fire from feminists for reinforcing gender stereotypes.

Carmen Siering, assistant professor of English and women’s studies at Ball State University, alleges that the second installment of the vampire series shows Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, as a passive character.

“With just a moment of critical analysis, feminists can’t be too happy about how the latest episode in the Twilight series, adapted from Stephenie Meyer’s popular books, represents a young woman and her place in the modern world,” the Telegraph quoted Siering as telling feminist Ms Magazine.

Siering insistes that the fact Bella remains in thrall to the “overbearing” Edward even after he dumps reflects gender stereotype of women’s dependence on men.

Siering added: “In fact, just moments after Edward leaves her, Bella stumbles in the woods and refuses to get up, lying in the muck until a strong, bare-chested man carries her out.

“Later, we see her sitting in her room, staring out the window, as the months roll by. When she isn’t sitting and staring, she is in bed having nightmares. Very empowering.

“What finally rouses her is a vision of Edward-which she sees after she hops on a motorcycle with a creepy guy. Even this ghostly Edward is bossy, scolding Bella to be careful, but it seems Bella likes, or needs, to be bossed around.”

Siering concluded: “This is a film full of gender stereotypes-testosterone-driven male aggression, females who pine away over lost loves, boys who fix motorcycles and the girls who watch them.

“The one role-reversal in New Moon, where Bella saves Edward for a change, is immediately negated when Bella’s low self-esteem takes centre stage.

“Even as Edward declares his love to her, Bella deems herself ‘unworthy’ of it, being simply human while he’s a vampire and all. Perpetuating the idea that this is true love-torturous, painful, and unrequited-is detrimental to all of us, women and men.

“There’s something scary about New Moon, but it’s in the human encounters, not those with the monsters.”

However, ‘New Moon’ has broken box office records since its release last week. (ANI)

Filed under: Hollywood

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November 25, 2009: 4:26 pm

Oh, Wah! Just another thing for supremacists to whine about.

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