Shanna Marie Mclaughlin’s Photos Create Controversy

By Madhusmita, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ORLANDO ( Shanna Marie Mclaughlin’s steamy photos in the UFC’s locker room has created rage in the internet after they are posted online few days before. The University Of Central Florida’s ex-graduate shot those hot photos for a reputed magazine’s August edition. George O’Leary, a University of Central Florida coach has admitted that he has approved the magazine for the photo shoot.

Shanna Marie Mclaughlin, the Playboy playmate and Miss July 2010 is seen in a playfully alluring pose in the locker room wearing a shirt and under-cloth which bears UCF and Knights logos. The photos have raised many eyebrows after their were posted online as the parents of UCF students have complained after they saw it . The Playboy playmate in one of her radio interviews said that her critics should realize that it is a “great” publicity for the school and its football team. The university launched these photographs to boost their season ticket sales.

However, the UCF officials have apologized to fans for the incident of Shanna Marie Mclaughlin’s photos. The school’s spokesperson said that the school sincerely apologizes to all the fans who were offended by the incident and the school will make sure that this incident never happens again. The coach George O’Leary said that an official from the magazine called him up and asked him if they could do a magazine shot. The coach also added that he asked the magazine official if the magazine is distributed on campus and the man replied affirmative. However, a spokesperson of the school said that the university officials will remind the employees about the standards and ethics of the university in future.

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