Doctor Who set to face Lady GaGa?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

LONDON - BBC bosses are looking forward to cast pop diva Lady Gaga in their hit programme ‘ Doctor Who’, it has emerged.

They believe that Gaga would make the most frightening antagonist on the show.

The Daily Star quoted scriptwriter Gareth Roberts as telling the Doctor Who magazine: “The script might end up on screen one day with Lady Gaga, who will have fallen on hard times.”

A source said: “She is no stranger to dressing up and would be more than a match for the Doctor. It would be a great coup to get her.” (ANI)

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June 8, 2010: 3:49 am

What Gareth Roberts said, in full:

“Steven spoke to me at the BBC Talent Party just after he’d taken the job. He said, ‘I’ll be asking you for an episode - why don’t you do The Lodger?’ When I saw him for a proper meeting, he’d forgotten that, and we went off on a completely different tack. After I’d done another script - which might end up on screen one day, or as an audio play in 2030 guest starring Lady Gaga, who will have fallen on hard times - I suggested The Lodger again, to give the execs more options. That’s common practice in TV, to have a spread of scripts to choose from.”

He was making a joke!

OK Magazine have taken a made up quote from the Daily Star and attributed it to him. Which is even worse than what the Star did, which is a wilful misreading of the quote above.

The story is a lie. It has no basis in fact or even rumour.

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