Rush Limbaugh Suffers Serious Heart Attack, Rushed To Hospital
By Arnab, Gaea News NetworkThursday, December 31, 2009
Hawaii ( Hawaii has emerged as the favorite holiday destination for the celebrities and politicians over the years. The first family of the USA and some popular Hollywood Celebs have chosen it as their Christmas holiday destination. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh also chose it. However, things turned a little difficult for him. News erupted that Rush Limbaugh suffered a serious heart attack, was rushed to hospital. The loudmouth host suddenly developed severe chest pains on Wednesday and had to be hospitalized immediately.
He was vacationing at Hawaii’s Kahala Hotel and Resort. He was taken by an ambulance to Queen’s Medical Center. When Rush Limbaugh suffered a serious heart attack and was rushed to hospital, his fans definitely could not sit still. They are frantically searching the web for updates on his condition. He is a popular radio host and close to 20 million people are fond of his shows and tune in regularly.He is 58 year old, but age has not been able to put a dent onhisenergyandenthusiasmso far.His attorney got worried when the news of his illness reached him.
Rush Limbaugh’s serious heart attack is bound to create ripples in the media. He is known for his pro-republican views andantagonismtowards Democrats. He was rushed to hospital but theauthoritiesthere has not revealed much on his condition. Whether he suffered from similar problem earlier is not clear. It will takesometime before thedetailsof his present health condition is made known to the public.