“Heroes” Is Cancelled, NBC Confirms
By Ritika Bhuwalka, Gaea News NetworkSaturday, May 15, 2010

LOS ANGELES, (GaeaTimes.com)-“Heroes” has been canceled from NBC, even though it was one of the most immensely popular shows on NBC, now running on its fifth season. Keeping in mind the fact that the series was one of the most hit shows of the American television network, it has come as a surprise to many when the decision of cancellation was taken. However, the series saw a sudden drop in its ratings after the end of the first season and this may have been a probable reason for its sudden cancellation. It was only during the first season that “Heroes” had acquired a cult status in America.
Actors Milo Ventimiglia, Zachary Quinto, Masi Oka and Hayden Panettiere became household names after the series was first shown on television five seasons ago. The characters of Peter Petrelli, Sylar, Hiro Nakamura and Clair Bennet played by the four actors respectively became highly popular among the young and old alike. Therefore it can be expected that with “Heroes” being canceled, it may also spell a lull for the career of these actors.
With the declaration of the cancellation of “Heroes” being made, NBC will present a wrap-up session of the series the coming week and later on in the spring where three to four hours will be allotted to showcase the final episodes of “Heroes”. However no formal announcement has been made as of yet in this regard with the NBC scheduled to make such an announcement on coming Monday. “Heroes” was first aired in the year 2006 and was a huge hit at that time.