Khushboo Wins At Supreme Court
By Sayantika Ghosh, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, April 28, 2010
DELHI, INDIA ( Khushboo who happens to be a prominent face of the Tamil Movie Industry has gone ahead to win a legal tussle which had initiated with her pre marital sex comments that she had passed on an earlier note. Reportedly, there were 22 cases charged against Khushboo in the Supreme Court. It was told that Khushboo had made some controversial comments regarding pre marital sex in a magazine interview which soon became the centre of discussion for one and all and legal cases were file against the 39 year old actress way back in the year of 2005. Reportedly, Khushboo was asked about her views on pre marital sex as she sat for the interview by the magazine. In reply to the question Khushboo said that in her opinion she feels that a man who is modern and educated should never expect his wife to be a virgin.
Pinky Anand, who happens to be the lawyer of Khushboo, told the media that the Supreme Court has ruled out all cases against Khushboo to be invalid and resting on vague grounds, she also said that her client Khushboo is happy to hear the verdict of the Supreme Court.
Before approaching the Supreme Court of India Khushboo had gone ahead to appeal to a Lower district court of Chennai which rejected her plea on grounds that Khushboo’s comments proves to be a negative effect on the minds of the youngsters. When asked about it Khushboo told the media that our society is a hollow one which boasts more but is nothing from within but a fake construct. Although our community witnesses lavish weddings they always shy away in fear to accept the truth of pre marital sex.