Shields happy photographer couldn’t use her nude pics

Thursday, April 22, 2010

LONDON - Actress Brooke Shields is happy that the photographer who snapped a nude photo of her as a child failed to profit from the image.

The “Blue Lagoon” star posed naked for snapper Garry Gross as a pre-teen and she alleges he tried to make money by selling the controversial image when she turned 16. reports that Shields attempted to stop Gross from using the picture but a court ruled the shot didn’t breach child pornography laws.

The 44-year-old star, however, insists she is pleased Gross never profited from the controversial picture.

“Everything that happened that felt sordid (about the shoot) happened after the fact. My kids walk around naked all the time, and I was nine - I wasn’t uncomfortable doing it. When I was 16, I wouldn’t have done it. That guy (photographer Garry Gross) waited until I was 16 before he decided to publish it - he tried to take this famous person and sell her out,” the website quoted her as saying.

“My favourite part about the whole story is that Richard Prince photographed that picture and made millions of dollars, and the guy that tried to screw me to begin with is a dog walker, and has no money. That’s justice in a really weird way. One day I’ll have to explain it to my kids, but I’ll figure it out,” she added.

Filed under: Hollywood, Movies

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