420 Meaning: 4/20 Quotes

By Jayita, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

CALIFORNIA (GaeaTimes.com) — 4 20 is one of the top hot search today. People are desperately searching the web to know what does 420 signify. Well, 4 20 is associated to cannabis culture. On April 20 people around North America gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.

The history behind the celebration of 420, I found quite interesting. The 420 was derived as a code used by Pothead students at the school in North California. They, who referred themselves as “Waldos”, were clever enough to use 420 as a code language. Can you crack the code and reveal what the folks imply? At 4:20 they would meet near the Louis Pasteur statue on campus to smoke the green.

This was back in early 1970. Since then, 4 20 celebrations across North America began. The University of Colorado has an annual 4 20 celebration that draws thousands. A 420 rally, formed by thousands of people from Vancouver and Canada is seen on the Vancouver Art Gallery. There are also 4 20 events you could visit in New York’s Central Park.


You are 70% beautiful, 75% naughty, 80% sweet, 95% true, 100% lovely. In total if you sum up, you are a 420.

You are not a common man! You are equal to 60 James Bonds. Well, want to know how? Multiply 007 with 60.

Unfortunately, I found only two 420 quotes. If you have any other collection of 4 20 quotes, please share with us in the comment section.


Tim Pilgram
April 20, 2010: 12:04 pm

Happy 420 everyone!! And with it being 4-20 and all, I figured once I saw this gallery of the hottest girls ever smoking budda.. I had to share it.. enjoy!

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