Jackson doctor hires law firm; lawyer says physician is only considered a witness
By APSaturday, June 27, 2009
Jackson doctor hires law firm
LOS ANGELES — A Houston lawyer says his firm has been hired by the doctor who reportedly was with Michael Jackson when the pop star was fatally stricken in his Los Angeles home.
William M. Stradley, a partner in the firm of Stradley, Chernoff & Alford, says his firm has been hired by Dr. Conrad Murray.
Stradley says investigators have indicated Murray is considered a witness and is not a target in any way.
Stradley says one of the partners, Edward Chernoff, is in Los Angeles meeting with Police Department investigators.
Stradley says he doesn’t know if Murray is taking part in Saturday’s meeting.
Stradley says Murray accompanied Jackson to the hospital, but he doesn’t know if it was Murray who performed CPR on the singer or called 911.
The attorney says Murray has cooperated with police from the beginning and never left Los Angeles.
Tags: California, Conrad murray, Los Angeles, Michael Jackson, Murray, Music, North America, United States, Us-jackson-doctor