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Ringo starr

LONDON (GaeaTimes.com) -- Are you searching for Ringo Starr? Then you have come to the right spot.
RINGO STARR received an early 70th birthday present this week (beg05Jul10) when fans serenaded him with Happy Birthday during a concert.
NEW YORK - With a little help from his friends, Ringo Starr celebrated his 70th birthday in New York with a global "Peace and Love" moment.
Former BEATLES drummer RINGO STARR has invited millions of fans to take part in his 70th birthday celebration this summer (10) - by displaying his signature 'peace' hand gesture at noon.
Actor PETER SERAFINOWICZ's versatile vocal skills have landed him another blockbuster role, 10 years after he voiced STAR WARS baddie DARTH MAUL - he's been hired to play SIR PAUL McCARTNEY in a remake of BEATLES movie YELLOW SUBMARINE.
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