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Larry King

MORRO BAY (GaeaTimes.com)- The fitness guru of America and the "Father of modern fitness movement", Jack LaLanne left for the heavenly abode on Sunday, at the age of 96.

LOS ANGELES (GaeaTimes.com)- On Sunday night, Los Angeles was decked up with spectacular color and dazzling lights as it prepared itself for one of the highly anticipated events Hollywood Christmas Parade 2010.

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) -- After being the face of CNN for a long long quarter-century span Larry King will finally step down this year.
NEW YORK - CNN host Larry King has declared that his long-running talk show, 'Larry King Live, will come to an end this fall.

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LOS ANGELES (GaeaTimes.com)- "Larry King Live" will come to an end this fall and the announcement was made by none other than the host of the show Larry King on Tuesday.