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ABC Family

LOS ANGELES (GaeaTimes.com)- Season 1 of "Pretty Little Liars" ended with its episode 10 "Keep Your Friends Close".

LOS ANGELES (GaeaTimes.com)- "Pretty Little Liars" episode 9 was aired last night on ABC Family as the audience enjoyed their most entertaining hours watching their favorite teen mystery drama on television.

LOS ANGELES (GaeaTimes.com)- "Revenge of the Bridesmaids" premiered last night on ABC family at 8 p.m and this new teen drama was liked and appreciated by the audience as they watched the pilot episode full of fun and twists.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (GaeaTimes.com)- Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin have decided to rekindle their relationship after their estrangement in March 2009.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (GaeaTimes.com)- "Pretty Little Liars" Episode 4 was aired on ABC Family last night at 8 p.m.