Bruce wants easy work — and women
By IANSTuesday, October 19, 2010
LONDON - Hollywood actor Bruce Wills is no longer keen to star in films that require him to travel to remote places. He wants now to do easier projects and be surrounded by “good looking women” on the set.
Asked what he will no longer do, he said: “No snow, no boats, no jungles, no desert. Just cake, all the time. And tuxedos. And great-looking women.
“When you have to stand around for snow for weeks at a time and you get cold, it’s all I could do not to burst into tears. I am close to my emotions when it comes to cold weather,” quoted him as saying.
Despite being 55, Bruce has no plans to retire because he still feels like he is in his 20s.
“In the life going on in my head, I feel like I’m only about 28 years old. I’m always surprised when I’m reminded I’m actually 55 years old. To think that some day I’ll not be able to do the things I can still do now. I don’t think about retirement,” he said.