Snoop dogg

George Lopez Interviews Cameron Diaz
LOS ANGELES ( George Lopez's late-night TBS talk show "Lopez Tonight" is known for its high entertainment quotient which always manages to keep the viewers asking for more.
American pop-sensation Akon in Bollywood’s “Ra.One”
NEVADA - American singer-songwriter Akon is reportedly appearing in Bollywood big-budget action film "Ra.One", starring megastar Shahrukh Khan.

Actor JAMES MARSDEN donned his trainers to participate in the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Triathlon on Sunday (03Oct10) in Venice Beach.

"As a matter of fact, because I am so dominant and I am a control freak, I would go out on dates, order, pull out my own chair, and I would never see that guy again!" R&B singer KELLY ROWLAND needs a man who is comfortable with her independence and strong personality.
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