Peet Stirs Up Autism Battle With New Rally Cry For Vaccines

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Actress AMANDA PEET has reignited her feud with those opposing child vaccinations over autism fears by insisting it’s “unconscionable” that parents can let their kids start school without the proper medical cautions.

The 2012 star upset autism activist Jenny McCarthy and Autism United officials in 2008 when she called them “parasites” for leading a campaign to overhaul America’s immunisation programmes, claiming vaccinations are largely responsible for autism in children.

McCarthy, who is the mother of an autistic child, led a rally in Washington, D.C. calling for the Federal Government to clean vaccines of all toxins and to change a loaded schedule of immunisation, which experts claim leads to the cause of autism.

The cause is controversial because leading medical groups insist there’s no clear proof that vaccinations lead to autism.

Peet agrees with the medics, but she has apologised for her emotional outburst in a magazine interview.

Now a celebrity spokesperson for child welfare group Every Child By Two and the Measles Initiative, Peet has sparked the debate again as she prepares to become a pre-school mum.

She tells Self magazine, “It scared me when I learned how many parents were withholding vaccines from their children. It made me frightened of the possibility that some of these diseases are coming back.

“This is about the future of our children’s health. It’s about what happens when you become complacent and you’re not vigilant as a community.”

And she insists the statistics speak for themselves: “I learned that every day 540 children around the world die from measles when there is an absolutely safe vaccine that costs less than a dollar per child.

“My daughter is about to go to pre-school. If you walk by a school and you try to imagine 540 children… it’s unconscionable that we’re not getting the vaccines to people.”

Peet’s latest remarks are sure to upset McCarthy, who still hasn’t forgiven the actress for the comments she made in 2008. She said, “She has a lot of balls to come forward and be on that side, because there is an angry mob on my side. I like the fact that I can say she’s completely wrong… Until she walks in our shoes she has no idea.”

And Autism United bosses are still calling on supporters to boycott Peet’s films.

Executive director John Gilmore raged, “Ms. Peet’s comments are deplorable and an apology will not suffice.”


November 27, 2009: 11:43 am

Sorry, Amanda.
There is no Santa Claus.
There is no free lunch.
There are no vaccines that are without significant side effects in a number of individuals.
Vaccines can and do cause autism.
The mandated vaccine protocol of the 1990’s contained a majority of vaccines with more than hazardous waste levels (250X) of mercury which were pumped into neonates with no bloodbrain barrier. Since that time, many in the medical community, because of this horrendous historical screwup have been in denial and have used tobacco science methodology to continue to unethically bury this issue from the American people.

Most flu vaccines, including H1N1, still contain hazardous waste levels of mercury.
Your advisory, Paul Offit, has been called out as a pharmaceutical prostitute by none other than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and numerous others in the autism community. Google it.
Dr. Veira Scheiber (numerous others, including Dr. Gary Null) has done research showing that study after study in the traditional allopathic medical media results in questioning of the benefits (other than revenue generation) of many of the vaccines. Google it.
The downside risks of the present vaccine protocol are well known. Google it.
The parents keep asking the scientists to do legitimate testing to make sure the vaccines are safe and effective to no avail.
All they get is Offit pop.

Amanda and her minions would make the medieval bloodletters proud.

I guess noone would really care about them if they would just leave people alone. But worse than being stupid, careless, reckless and harmful, these people wish to impose these toxins by federal mandate.

Good grief, woman.

Just go away.

And BTW- wash you hands before you do a surgery. I taught many idiots that more than 100 year ago.

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