July 7, 2010: 2:16 am
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
![]() RIC |
June 13, 2010: 5:35 am
laws are same for everybody ,, and overit shah rukh is a pathan from origin ,, who are regarded as greatest threat for USA....!!! |
June 8, 2010: 9:04 am
it is actually a drama by S.R.K to grab limelight becaz the then movie have no chance to get attention.it was a play after the film.cheap stunt by S.R.K. |
May 19, 2010: 6:21 pm
![]() shiksha |
May 5, 2010: 9:16 am
its the best for me and my siblings from- shiksha manya rachit anosh {COMPLIMENT} |
![]() nico |
April 14, 2010: 4:27 am
you are very nice you are great |
![]() gabi |
March 23, 2010: 4:55 pm
i said no but no matter how hard i clicked it wouldnt let me say no, |
![]() Tom |
March 19, 2010: 5:14 am
i hate muslim hope you all die from your own bombs!! |
![]() Sue |
March 18, 2010: 11:01 am
I think racial/gender/age profiling would improve Homeland Security. Look at the stats on terroists and proceed accordingly. Yes, some may be "pulled out" uneccessarily but right now MOST of us are held up for no good reason just to be "fair". |
![]() marla |
March 18, 2010: 9:21 am
@ Sheji "its the Muslims who have the least terrorist-like behavior" You've got a lot to learn. Think of all the terrorist incidents that have happened. How many of the terrorists were Muslim? A good chunk. How many were Buddhist? Mormon? Satanists? You really need to stop chastising people because it makes you sound doubly ignorant. |
![]() arun |
March 10, 2010: 10:39 am
It is better that the American police and other immigration staff are asked to write some examination containing questions like “who is the prime minister of Australia” who is the president of America” who is the U.N.O. chief” who is the best batsman in Australian team” “who is the Governor of California”(clue:he is a Hollywood Actor) and some 100 questions like this. And they can be asked to see cinemas of the world, News of various T.V.channels throughout the world instead of spending all their time in office and “home to office ” office to home ” style of life. Whether they have any associations or union to look after their welfare. If so the unions must arrange to do some refresher courses. |
![]() bturk |
March 9, 2010: 5:29 pm
Some Americans think that America makes the world a better place because of the power of media. people talk about what they have heard. just be objective for the first time and th when you talk about something first know what are you saying. how can you say that Islam is not a religion or all muslims are terrorists?? there are very few people who use terror in the name of Islam," and that "the majority (of Muslims) believe their religion stands for peace and harmony among human kind" as Q'ran said. also there are so many muslim societies, instead of Arabs. It ıs just labeling the people in name of 'muslim' from the 9/11 incident. |
![]() Jim |
February 26, 2010: 6:06 am
Of course they are. They are the ones blowin up planes. |
![]() Me |
February 22, 2010: 10:26 pm
LOL i laughed hard at the guy saying muslims should tell the extremists to stop,rofl,GENIUS.The entire muslim community does that,but they don't listen ,there is more than religion on the line,money,arms deals,drugs,etc..and to all racists out there..F U.get away from your mom's computer and try to go and tell that to a man's face,or better yet join the army,see? your a coward.anyways i think homeland security targets muslims coz they make the majority of americans who voted for bush twice feel satisfied,let's face it ,most of the us people are rednecks and angry old people! |
![]() jojo |
February 18, 2010: 10:00 am
do an easier question!! |
February 16, 2010: 12:35 pm
hi!!! jls here is natalia your big fan i love u so much hope you like me too byeeeee |
![]() Itsamsitry |
February 7, 2010: 4:35 am
I do not think the airport security staff "pick" on anyone so to speak - they try to do a fine job to protect the good citizens. I'd rather see people get searched than not for the shear sake of what may happen. Safety first- even if it is Sharuk getting searched. what is the big deal? Just because he is famous actor? He is just another earthly being.Come ON Sharuk stop whinging and play by the rules.People get searched at Indian airports too so do these people create a fuss? -- they can't!! |
![]() Sheji |
February 4, 2010: 6:41 am
What a bunch of losers. Its true what is said in a certain country in a certain language - "The general public is a donkey". How true even in this blogsite. How many of you dumb fools personally know a Muslim who is a terrorist, or even behaves like one. Of people of all religions, its the Muslims who have the least terrorist-like behavior. This is just pure media play. There are even popular bold websites like youtube where you can get a much clearer picture of this. Stop fooling yourselves and talking big talk about stuff you, in truth, have absolutely no knowledge about. Seriously, ask yourself whether you're writing the truth about what you really know or whether its your own fabrication from some media bias in your head before you actually want to go and click the submit button |
![]() Das |
January 26, 2010: 3:31 am
I think it is not only Muslim, but a lot of Indians too, They are very racially discriminated and propogate the world to stop racial criticsm. |
![]() JPettit |
January 19, 2010: 5:38 pm
I am a white Christian and I have been randomly searched 2 out of the 5 times I have flown since 9/11. I know some who haven't been searched at all and some who have been searched more. Just because you are Muslim and get searched does not mean they are out to get you. Everybody is subject to a search. If your name is the same as someone on the watch list, whether it is John Petersen or Ali Hussein, you will experience some difficulty. I'd rather everybody be searched than have my plane blown up anyday. |
![]() sniper310 |
January 15, 2010: 2:15 pm
Maybe if Muslims start cleaning up their own house, they wouldn't be "picked" on, but wait, we can't profile, grandma, step over here please and bend over, oh, thats ok sir, you don't want to go through the scanner because it is against your religious beliefs, and you don't want the bomb o show. Please remove the Burka, mam or sir, as you all look the same. |
January 9, 2010: 1:58 am
To all stupid people who thinks Srk did it for cheap publicity stuent (1) Shahrukh wasn't angry coz he was checked. He said everytime he vists USA, they check him for 30 minutes which is ok but this time they didn't check him or even opened his lagguage. He kept waiting for someone to come and clear up the situation but no one came and checked. After an hour they started questioning him and it continued for 2 hours without letting him call anyone else to provide himself right. (2) They didn't let him make a single call to prove his identity and make sure he isn't a terrorist. (3) They didn't let him go even if their own 4 airport officials (who were indians) assured them that he is Shahrukh khan the actor and not a terrorist. (4) They didn't even search google which only takes 10 seconds to type shahrukh khan and it would bring them search results which has more pages than Tom Cruise. What would a normal person do when they pass through this ? 4 hours of trouma. |
![]() Anon |
December 23, 2009: 9:09 am
I think homeland security should target muslims way more than they do, since 99 percent of all the violence is being perpetrated by muslim males between the ages of 16- 35. Not all muslims are guilty, but most of the guilty ones seem to be muslims. |
![]() joydeep |
December 4, 2009: 12:19 am
the word "systematically" in ur question,is dissappointingly spelt wrong,making me loose my very mood to answer.Just a reminder to be more careful,coz i respect "words". They are powerful. |
![]() kallu amar |
December 3, 2009: 1:51 pm
Hi Guyz, the comments from muslims, are totally bullshit in this page as they are only looking at islam part, just because he believes and respects other religions. he will definately feel humiliated , he is "king Khan" a big celebrity of india..he has been entertaining indians for years by his movies, don't forget we laughed , cried and had lots of fun while watching his movies....... they should let him call atleast.... |
![]() Fanna |
November 30, 2009: 4:21 am
An adherent of Islam is a Muslim, meaning "one who submits (to God)".[2][3] The word Muslim is the active participle of the same verb of which Islām is the infinitive. Islam is a goog religion. |
![]() Rajan |
November 29, 2009: 2:39 am
USA is simply making the world a better place. Also those who say that not all muslims are terrorists are missing the point. Most muslims donate some of their income to mosques and mosques run religious schools where extremism is taught to all little kids. Also none of the muslims will say anything bad about Osama because they secretly harbor appreciation for his acts or they simply follow his acts on the name of Islam. If there was no Islam in the world, we wouldn't be missing out on anytnhing. |
![]() Rajan |
November 29, 2009: 2:34 am
Yes and they are correct to do so. The Q'raan preaches the spread of Islam no matter how you do it. Also anyone who kills the infidels is promised heaven. I am ashamed to call Islam a religion. I think it is just a way of preaching violence and teaching warfare to cowards. I hope they keep up their way of profiling m,uslims. It will make the world a better place to live. |
![]() Mike Oxlong |
November 16, 2009: 4:07 pm
If not, they should! |
November 13, 2009: 1:02 am
this is not a matter between muslim this is the matter of terrioms. I think many people think muslim people be behind the terriosm but this is not good think we can not divide religions on that way.only muslims do not spread terror. we have to change our thinking. we have to be faith on muslim and we must not see them on the eye of terriosm. |
![]() RenoDeano |
November 1, 2009: 10:33 am
Muslims righly should be targeted. If their regligion says to kill infidels, we should beware of them at all times. |
![]() you're retarded |
October 31, 2009: 1:39 pm
@Pramodh: Wow, you're incredibly retarded. |
October 30, 2009: 8:35 am
it was a publiccity stunt for shahrukh's upcoming film my name is khan |
October 28, 2009: 9:13 am
i say that not terroist because they are defending theyself u see that muslims are killed ever hour they have to defend their self so that why they are being greef |
October 28, 2009: 9:02 am
all of the world targets the muslims because they think they are torisium.but sharun khan is not a muslim but i wonder how he feels!why do muslim like shrun khan guys iam asking u this question? an i think because he's hot.what do u think guys |
October 24, 2009: 11:27 am
i hate sharuk khan . and i told to all muslims that not love to sharuk he is not a muslim but he is the enemy of islam so hat him forever .and shahruk khan murda bad |
![]() DJ SanDiego |
October 20, 2009: 9:54 am
The National temor for Hyper vigilance is beyond neurotic whom do you believe could alert flight attendants to an individual passengers persona and is that flight going anywhere?But an uzi machine gun hanging from a shopping cart in TelAviv is just bringing home the Bacon |
October 13, 2009: 5:32 am
i think that people how say all Muslims are guilty then they can fuck them self assholes |
![]() Sunny |
October 11, 2009: 3:33 pm
It is a shameless part in US which is going on still even after 8 years of 9/11 tragedy. The US authority should look towards this discrimination part seriously. Its not only about a famous celebrity struck in this part(whereas the news took fire after SRK's act in US airport), it is about all our good muslims who are tortured in there wihout any reason. We should see everybody equally and live in peace in this beautiful world. |
![]() Razza |
October 11, 2009: 8:39 am
"Maybe they look for Mulim looking people because right now those are the ones commiting terrorist acts" FACT |
![]() Pramodh |
October 9, 2009: 10:34 am
Forget discrimination, all the liberal idiots out there have never had family die in terrorist attacks. The TRUTH is that only or mainly muslims are guilty or can be suspected of terrorism. When those disgusting people start taking responsibility for their kind and bring people to actual justice maybe then the US should be more liberal with their entry and re-entry. But until the time that muslims become decent people (which will be never) with limited resources countries must focus on the most likely instigators. Would all you people rather be inconvenienced or DEAD??? Use you brains that god gave you unless of course you are a dirty muslim like Sharuk Khan. |
![]() iank |
October 4, 2009: 7:57 pm
why is it not 100% voted yes? hey guys, a worship for the west is good but not in judging our own underpants and eyes . |
![]() Jeremy |
October 1, 2009: 1:45 pm
I voted no just to try and make them look not guilty, but I believe the do and I believe they absolutely should. I mean does anyone want to see another 9/11 or event with such horrer and tragedy. so with the most anti-american culture being the muslim community it is only right. And remember yes it is a shame that everyone take the fall for what only some of there type believe, but you can't trust them and we have to protect ourselves. They also did it to their own people, the anti american muslims ruined the lives and gave the stigma of terrorist to all of their kind. They can never take that back |
![]() Arsalan |
September 29, 2009: 3:54 am
Hi my name is arsalan & i m a muslims & i hate them americans what did they think they are father of us if goverment give me chance i'll teach them lessons "idiots" |
![]() pooja |
September 22, 2009: 12:26 pm
not everyone knows sharukh khan and us gov't does not give a crap if he comes here or not....people in India need to learn that instead of burning our flags... |
![]() Bhupendra Chitriv |
September 19, 2009: 4:54 am
Every country want be behave like American gov. becz today security is the main part to protect your country. Sharukh Khan is not a god. He is also a human being and that is his duty to go for that prociser becoz he is celebrity and he is represent to the youth. If he was feel hesitation by that matter so thats bad but if he sportly ready for that so he is good human being. |
![]() Vinny Fletcher |
September 14, 2009: 8:04 pm
Absolutely not. But even if the USA did target muslims specifically, there is nothing wrong with that. They wanna hate us, then cry mommy when they get searched? Fuck em. Only good muslim is a dead muslim. And to all the idiots that are calling for India to respond in kind, go suck on a lollipop.You Indians can't even fight terrorism in an efficient manner. But yall wanna talk crap about getting even with the US.Fat chance of that. You know you are just a 4th world country and you need our dollars and the jobs we provide. And you just dont have what it takes to fight us militarily. So shove all that tough talk, curry munchers.Boo hoo. |
![]() dina |
September 13, 2009: 2:05 pm
why not muslims are main murders in the world |
![]() tuffan |
September 10, 2009: 10:34 am
What cheap person Shahrukh Khan is,We know that he is making a movie about Muslims life in america after 9/11. He is creating such a drama only for his movie publicity. |
![]() Tweet |
September 9, 2009: 11:14 am
After what happened in 2001..they should be consistenly watched. Why do Muslims want to be in America??? They do not agree with our way of life. They believe in "honor' killings and Body bombs to kill other people in honor of allah. We don't need that mentality in America..we have enough to deal with. WE (AMERICANS) ARE HATED BY THEIR CULTURE..does that mean that "all" muslims hate Americans..NO..however, how are we to know if we are being targeted for theor hate??We don't speak their language or fully undestand their customs. |
September 7, 2009: 10:51 am
it is not good thinking that every muslim is a terrorist. india should give the same replay to them |
![]() Sumit Sen |
September 3, 2009: 2:50 pm
I think they are very conscious and concern about their country's security after 9/11, they are not like us. |
![]() Pragmatic |
September 3, 2009: 9:41 am
They don't target Muslims. They target anyone who fits a profile. That profile, it turns out has more Muslims these days. Now you can question why would that be? Well look at last 20 years and the terrorist incidents all over the world. All Muslims are not terrorists. But unfortunately in recent history most terrorist activities have been conducted by people who call themselves Muslims. |
![]() J.C.Harmon |
September 2, 2009: 7:08 pm
I am of the opinion that any effort that Homeland Security puts forth to protect the populace of the United States from acts of terror is welcome. If that meanss targeting a people who have shown thier extreme dislike of the American way and they are of a certain race,religion or ethnic background which have been involved in terrorist acts against the USA in the past,then sure targwet Muslims for further investigation if need be. After all there are so many americans both here and abroad who are no longer living due to an extreme act of terror by people of this religion, they have no fear of death themselves and can only find a peace for them selves by inflicting pain and suffering and death on any one who does not share their twisted ideology. |
![]() Ali Ali |
September 1, 2009: 12:57 pm
Has anyone seen my legs? They are about three feet long, I had them when I got out of bed this morning. Quite curious. |
![]() Abhishek |
August 29, 2009: 2:59 pm
What happened to Mr Shahrukh Khan in USA was absolutely wrong and India should give its reply to them very soon by doing the same |
![]() anu |
August 26, 2009: 12:30 pm
i dont think so that usa gov has target of muslims,wat ever they did with shahrukh khan it was a part of duty and i think he should support to them, its not a political issue. somany ordinary people suffered with this why only shahrukh khan issued this matter only because he is celibriety. i think he should oppologize to them on the behalf of his behaviour. |
![]() Matty |
August 26, 2009: 12:29 pm
YES they target muslims, and rightly so! |
![]() Pramod |
August 24, 2009: 1:09 pm
Well, Muslims are the root cause of terrorism.....so if they get such treatment .... they deserve it... |
August 23, 2009: 8:06 pm
i think its not due to his muslim tag and just cool shahrukh d'ont worry about that |
![]() Jason |
August 21, 2009: 7:55 pm
Muslims stop threatening the US = US stops targeting Muslims. Muslims hijack and murder US citizens = US attacks and murders Muslims. Pretty simple math. |
August 20, 2009: 11:41 pm
Well with the long history muslims have of blowing people up and in the name of alla ya I can see why they should be targeted, and they even use there mosques as weapon depos, kinda weird |
August 20, 2009: 7:52 pm
ur a ugly old man i m handsome to u ur not handsome u understand wat i say ur name is so cheap and u also a cheap man |
August 20, 2009: 7:49 pm
shahrukh is not handsome like me i m handsome than shahrukh and how cheap shahrukh ur name is so cheap my name is very sweet to u my name is ali ur a ugly guy shahrukh shame on u |
![]() Val |
August 20, 2009: 3:27 pm
The U.S. is already destroying itself with it's racism and hatred of it's own fellow citizens. White on white, brown on brown, and black on black hatred. Then they shuffle it around and hate the other colors. Now the U.S. is working hard to hate globally. When will it all end? |
![]() Aurelius |
August 20, 2009: 9:37 am
Why should myself, a muslim, have to tell the muslim extremists to cut the nonsense? I only need to speak for myself. That's like telling white people to tell the KKK to stop causing trouble in the south. Just because one group of people are bad, doesn't mean we should be categorizing them all together. |
![]() Viral Panchal |
August 19, 2009: 10:09 pm
Hi....... My name is viral. i live in surat. I m big frd of SRK. i m met SRK in end of my life. SRK ur the king of Bollywood......... SRK ko koi heart karta he to muje dard hota he........... plez reply me...... |
![]() samayita |
August 19, 2009: 3:05 pm
ur spelling is wrong newwark no newwork. |
August 18, 2009: 4:45 am
August 17, 2009: 1:59 pm
It is better that the American police and other immigration staff are asked to write some examination containing questions like “who is the prime minister of Australia” who is the president of America” who is the U.N.O. chief” who is the best batsman in Australian team” “who is the Governor of California”(clue:he is a Hollywood Actor) and some 100 questions like this. And they can be asked to see cinemas of the world, News of various T.V.channels throughout the world instead of spending all their time in office and “home to office ” office to home ” style of life. Whether they have any associations or union to look after their welfare. If so the unions must arrange to do some refresher courses. |
![]() mortacan |
August 16, 2009: 5:27 pm
It's not racial and your status does not put you above safety. Have some compassion for a country doing all it can to stop a repeat of 9-11. White, Black, Green, Yellow, Blue whatever your color your going to be stopped deal with it or don't fly. It's amazing what people do to sell a book. Think use your head it's about a book. |
![]() arab danny |
August 15, 2009: 7:55 pm
Maybe they look for Mulim looking people because right now those are the ones commiting terrorist acts. Just a theory but if Muslim people didnt want to be cast in that role they should tell the muslim extremist cut the non sense |