The Bachelorette

Bachelor Pad Premieres On ABC
LOS ANGELES ( The much anticipated series "Bachelor Pad" premiered last night on ABC at 8 p.m.The show is made in the same format where the contestants of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" will play for $250,000 and their second chance of love.
Chris Lambton: Bachelor 2011
LOS ANGELES ( -- Chris Lambton is the center of attraction now.
The Bachelorette 6: Ali and Roberto Still Together!
LOS ANGELES ( -- Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez are amidst yet another controversy.
Hilton Bora Bora Resort: Best Place for your ‘Bachelorette’
LOS ANGELES ( -- The Grand Finale of ABC's "The Bachelorette" will be held at 8 pm, tonight.
Who does Ali Fedotowsky Pick?
LOS ANGELES ( -- The curiosity arises as the last moment of "The Bachelorette" arrives.
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