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NEW YORK - Mario Vargas Llosa, the newest winner of the Nobel Prize in literature, has never found much honor in boundaries.
STOCKHOLM - With European novelists dominating recent Nobel literature awards, experts are guessing the Swedish Academy will look farther afield when it announces the 2010 winner on Thursday.

NAIROBI, KENYA (GaeaTimes.com)- Bollywood singer and music composer Anu Malik was in the city of Nairobi earlier this month to attend a private function organized by Rani Jamal.
NAIROBI, Kenya - A global Internet oversight agency is reopening discussions about whether to create a ".xxx" domain name.
MALINDI - Relaxing in front of his house in the shade of a mango tree, Ata Tsumo had only a weak smile for the flap over South African President Jacob Zuma who has three wives and fathered a child out of wedlock.