
Jeremy Renner In “The Avengers”
LOS ANGELES, ( "The Hurt Locker" famed Jeremy Renner will play the role of Hawkeye in the upcoming film "The Avengers" which is set to hit the theaters in 2012.
Mark Ruffalo Is The New Hulk
LOS ANGELES ( The speculation on the cast of the movie The Avengers is over finally.
Wonder Woman Movie?
July 24, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The most recent Hollywood rumor is that the renowned movie production company, Warner Bros might just again be moving in to make a Wonder Woman film.
Joss Stone (Daniel Craig, Joss Stone)
Soul singer Joss Stone can add Bond girl to her resume after landing a new role in a 007 videogame The Tudors star will appear in video form in Activision's upcoming James Bond 007: Blood Stone.

LONDON J - R and B singer Joss Stone is the latest Bond girl, but only for the video gamers.
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