
Capsule reviews of films opening this week: "Food, Inc." - You put food in your mouth every day.

Capsule reviews of films opening this week: "Imagine That" - The words "Eddie Murphy family comedy" are enough to send shivers down the spine of any self-respecting film lover.

Capsule reviews of films opening this week: "The Hangover" - You'd be forgiven for thinking this is a documentary.

Capsule reviews of films opening this week: "Angels & Demons" - Blessedly, "Angels & Demons" is more entertaining and less self-serious than its predecessor, the dense and dreary yet enormously successful "The Da Vinci Code." In adapting another of author Dan Brown's religious-mystery page turners, Ron Howard wisely gave in to its beat-the-clock thriller elements, which makes for a more enjoyable summer-movie experience.

Capsule reviews of films opening this week: "Julia" - "Julia" requires an enormous amount of its star, and of its audience.
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