Brit women waste 1.6bn pounds on clothes they never wear!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

LONDON - A survey has revealed that Brit women spend more than 1.6 billion pounds on more than 500 million items of clothing they will never wear.

Placed on a clothes rail, the great unworn would stretch 15,534 miles, which is equivalent to four and a half times the distance between London and New York, reports the Daily Mail.

The study shows that the average woman has about 22 garments in her wardrobe that she will never wear but absolutely refuses to throw out.

It seems millions of purchases that were a good idea in the shop - perhaps they were a bargain or a design worn by a celebrity - have turned out to be a waste.

Some may have been vanity purchases; little designer numbers selected as a reward for losing weight.

According to 45 per cent of those questioned, rash buys are the main reason for the unworn clothing pile-up.

And despite these items taking up as much as 5 per cent of storage space, just 1 in 8 women regularly clears out their wardrobes.

Jeans are the most common item of unworn clothes, with 88 per cent saying they own at least one pair that they would never be seen out in.

1 in 5 hoard up to six pairs of shoes that will never be worn. And almost everyone owns at least one top they “would not be seen dead in”.

More than half of women say that guilt over wasting money keeps them from throwing out unwanted clothes.

And 41 per cent insist they are planning to lose weight before getting some use out of their unworn outfits. Some 17 per cent are hoarding particular styles in the hope of a fashion revival.

Impulse buys are just as apparent in their shopping baskets, with more than a third admitting their unworn items are largely sales items.

The shopping channel QVC carried out the survey. (ANI)

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