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Online Media
COMING TO GOOGLE TV: TBS, TNT, CNN and HBO are among the major media outlets providing special features for a Google technology that weds Web surfing with television viewing.
NEW YORK - Online movie rental company Netflix Inc.
NEW YORK - ABC's search for someone to preside over its news division comes as the Internet and cable television have made the job much different and more complex than what outgoing chief David Westin took over nearly 14 years ago.

WIN FOR NETFLIX: Netflix Inc.'s online streaming service is getting several movies a year that would have gone to pay TV outlets such as HBO or Showtime.
JOIN THE CLUB: Music blog site MOG and startup Rdio are offering ways to stream millions of songs to mobile devices for about $10 a month.
More News
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- Tiger's tunes: Apology lives online in mashups
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- YouTube getting into movie rental business
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- Watch concerts free online at BillboardLive.com
- Grudgingly, young people finally flock to Twitter
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- Twitter keeps it simple with new terms of service
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