Johnny Depp wants to retire as a normal man with a beer belly

NEW DELHI - Johnny Depp knows what he wants to do after retiring from his acting career, and that is to grow some grey hair and a beer belly.


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Johnny Depp

  • amekins Watching Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.....Oh Johnny Depp how I love thee....haha
  • ohWOWshestall I love johnny depp as willy wonka.
  • ameryjenee What could make me feel so much better right now? Something with Johnny Depp in it.
  • lilshanin Watching Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Luv Johnny Depp in it. God he can play any role well
  • MichaelTeQuiero Johnny Depp is easily second, but he is nowhere near the heights of Michaeeelll!!! :'D XD <3
  • shawnwhalen33 Johnny Depp to Give Nicolas Cage a Bailout:
  • BrittanyGreer5 Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is on. I can't help but like this version best. Tim Burton + Johnny Depp are mind blowing.
  • MaddieMagnus johnny depp's cheekbones should be put on display at the smithsonian.
  • ma_no_well Took the "Qual personagem do Johnny Depp voc ?" quiz & got: Mort Rainey. ! What about you?
  • Relle_Jae watching Charlie && the choclate factory Johnny Depp is crazy but i love em lol
  • shootingmoons Watching charlie and the chocolate factory. I love johnny depp's acting in this movie. Hahah.
  • googlygoogly why does johnny depp's willy wonka character remind me of brandon flowers?

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Johnny Depp

  • techferret Johnny Depp to Give Nicolas Cage a Bailout
  • hiiis Johnny Depp : Hot pictures of Johnny Depp , Wallpapers, Biography and Videos<li><li><span class="name">pattidigh</span> RT @TheBloggess: I mean, honestly Having your ashes shot out of a cannon by Johnny Depp. That's the way I want to go too.<li><li><span class="name">hiiis</span> johnny_depp_-_a_great_actor.jpg 1024 � 768 pixels on<li><li><span class="name">tanjavogts</span> #10: Public Enemies<li><li><span class="name">sameergharat</span> "From Hell" on Star Movies. A delightfully dark combination of Jack The Ripper and Johnny Depp.<li><li><span class="name">allthingsnews</span> By @-pr_celebrity Johnny Depp Offers Nicolas Cage Debt Help #postrank #-celebrity<li><li><span class="name">allthingsnews</span> AllThingsNEWS: By @-pr_celebrity Johnny Depp Offers Nicolas Cage Debt Help #postrank #-celebrity<li><li><span class="name">momichel</span> RT @estherchenard: Tim Burton nous fait un Alice in Wonderland avec Johnny Depp / En attendant:<li><li><span class="name">magependragon</span> Johnny Depp Picture Post<li><li><span class="name">vdovault</span> Nothing like having good friends :) RT @enki09: RT @mparent77772: Johnny Depp to Give Nicolas Cage a Bailout<li><li><span class="name">ronincycle</span> [Blog] News From Across The Pond: Cheryl Cole Crowned Top Earning WAG; David Beckham Sports Crazy New Hai...: X Factor star Cheryl Cole beats Victoria Beckham to take the crown as top earning WAG (more) What do you think of LA Galaxy star David Beckham’s new haircut Take a look at his quiff-mohawk and vote in our poll! 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