Ex-trainer slams Madge for opening her own gym

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

LONDON - Madonna’s former trainer Tracy Anderson has criticized the Queen of Pop’s decision to open her own fitness gym.

Anderson is disappointed that the popstar has opened her first Hard Candy Fitness gym in Mexico.

“I knew she was going to be doing it,” the Daily Mail quoted Anderson as telling Britain’s Star magazine.

“I could put my name on a gym and put them all over the world if I wanted to, but that would be irresponsible to what I do.

“I think we all know when a celebrity is going to do something that is in an industry that they’re not in, they’re just doing an endorsement and that’s fine.

“But I think that you wouldn’t want to go to a man who plays a doctor on TV to get prescribed something, would you?” the trainer added.

Madonna parted ways with Anderson, who was credited with sculpting her age-defying body, in 2009 after three years.

The decision to split comes shortly after the executive director of Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity handed in his notice after falling in love with Tracy. (ANI)

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